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  2. Manager Permissions Explained

CPD Explained

Overview of 'CPD' Permissions for Managers

CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Permissions Overview

The CPD screen in HR Locker is where certificates and professional development records are stored. Managers with CPD permissions can access and manage CPD records for their team members, including viewing, managing certificates, and facilitating training requests.

Permission Settings:

  1. Off:

    • CPD functionality is disabled for the manager.
  2. On for Subordinates and Selected Employees Only:

    • Managers can access CPD screens for their direct reports and selected employees.

  3. On for Selected Offices and Selected Employees Only:

    • Managers can access CPD screens for employees assigned to selected offices and chosen employees.


  1. Viewing CPD Records:

    • Managers with CPD permissions can view CPD records of employees who are either their subordinates or are assigned to selected offices.
  2. Managing Certificates:

    • Managers can manage certificates for employees under their supervision, including validating or rejecting uploaded certificates.
  3. Training Requests:

    • Managers can send out requests for training requirements to employees under their supervision, provided this feature is enabled at the office level.
    • Employees can also request training from their own CPD page if this feature is enabled in the office settings.
  4. CPD Validation:

    • Managers can validate CPD certificates for employees who list them as CPD Validators in their settings page.
  5. Managing CPD Items:

    • The Manage CPD screen allows managers to create, assign, or delete CPD items for offices, departments, or individual employees.
    • Employees can engage with these items from their own CPD screens.
  6. Viewing CPD Logs:

    • The CPD Logs screen enables managers to view a full record of CPD activities for selected employees.