Employee Cost Report

How employee cost report works to calculate the cost per empl


The Employee Cost report can be downloaded by Managers and Admins who have Reports permission for the directory

This report is not available if 'Hide Comps and Bens' is set for that user

The report needs to do some calculations on each employee based on how their income is recorded in HRLocker.

See below for the breakdown of what each Column in the report means


Employee Cost Report
Employee ID Employee ID from the Directory
Start Date Employee Start Date
End Date Employee End date
First Name Employee First name
Last Name Employee Last name
Office Employee's office
Dept Employee's department
Employee Type Employee Type from Terms of Employment page. This can be Direct/ Indirect/ Apprentice/ Volunteer/ Other
Title Job Title from Employee Summary page. This is the current job title. If there is a job title that is effective on a future or previous date it is not reported on.
Employment Type Employee Type from Terms of Employment page. This can be Full Time Permanent/ Part Time Permanent/ Full Time Contract/ Part Time Contract/ Fixed Term Contract/ Fixed Purpose Contract/ Contractor/ Casual Contract/ Intern/ Apprentice Contract/ Volunteer
Weekly Working Hrs Total weekly work pattern hours, to 2 decimal places
Currency Salary Currency
Gross Salary Salary amount from employee Comps and Bens tab. Per year total. If assigned per year then amount. If assigned per month, then amount multiplied by 12. This is the latest salary information. If salary changes within the year, then it is the latest salary that is reported on even if it is effective on a future date. Currently if salary amount by weeks/days/hours then Gross salary total is blank
Bonus from employee Comps and Bens tab. Bonus earned with effective dates from the current calendar year
Benefits from employee Comps and Bens tab. Benefits that have been assigned remain until they have been removed no matter the year of the effective date
Total Cost Total of Gross Salary and benefits and bonus