Frequently Asked Questions on HRLocker

Account Management

How do I reset my password?

  • Click on the forgotten password button on the login page or go to the link below. https://login.hrlocker.com/Account/ForgotPassword

  • If your email address is not recognised, please contact your HRLocker administrator or your manager to check if your email address has been correctly entered to the HRLocker system.

How do I prevent an employee from logging in but do not want to terminate them?

  • You can block an employee from logging in by changing their email address in the Summary page. This will also cause them to be immediately ejected from any session they are already in.

  • As long as the employee does not know the new email address on the system, they won't be able to sign in or request new credentials.

  • We recommend keeping the old email address and adding something at the end such as _locked or another random word.

Does HRLocker have data retention policies to automatically delete data after a set period of time?

  • HRLocker currently does not automatically delete data after a set period of time.

  • Data retention requirements are complex and depend on the types of data being stored as well as business and legal requirements to store or delete this data.

Employee Management

How can I update an employee’s personal details?

  • Click on the directory button on the navigation bar.

  • From here, search for your employee and click on their name.

  • Now you can edit their details in any one of the directory tabs and click submit to save the record.

How do I add or remove users from the system?

  • To add an employee:

    • Click on the 'Add employee' button on the top corner of the directory page.

    • Enter the details for the new employee and submit the request.

    • If you have enough licenses, the employee will be created. If there are not enough licenses, you will be prompted to purchase additional licenses.

  • To remove an employee:

    • Click on an employee in the directory.

    • Go to their Terms of Employment tab.

    • Enter an end date.

    • Change their status from active to 'terminated.'

    • Submit this change.

I cannot find my employee in the directory.

  • If your employee has been terminated, simply change the filter in the directory to show 'All Statuses.'

Can I track employee attendance or clock-in times?

  • You can enable timesheets for your employees in their directory settings page, and you can also enable clock-in timesheets which will require them to clock in when they begin work, take breaks, and leave at the end of the day.

  • These can be accessed from the Time On module on the navigation bar.

How do I upload or manage employee documents?

  • Click on the Directory button on the navigation bar.

  • Search for your employee and click their name.

  • You can add documents to the Terms of Employment tab or the Reviews and Refs tab.

  • If you would like the employee to be assigned these documents and read and sign them, you can add them as HR Docs using the HR Docs module and assign the document to that single employee only, or bulk assign to offices, departments, etc.

How do I enable or configure custom fields for employee data?

  1. Click on the Settings button on the black ribbon.

  2. Click on the Custom Fields section.

  3. Create the labels for each of your custom fields.

  4. These will now appear in your employee's directory to be completed by the employees or their managers.

How do I delete an employee?

  • In order to delete an employee, first you need to terminate them from the directory
  • Once they are terminated, If you are the Primary Admin, then you can delete them.
  • Go to the directory menu in HRLocker
  • Select the dropdown menu for 'Terminated employees' and a red 'Delete employees' button will appear
  • Click this button and then you can select the employees that you wish to delete.. Warning, this is not reversible

Leave Management

How do I request time off or approve an employee’s leave request?

  • To Request Time Off:

    1. Click on the 'Time Off' tab on the navigation bar.

    2. Select the type of leave you would like to request.

    3. Enter the dates you would like to request.

    4. Submit the request. Your manager will now be asked to approve this request.

  • To Approve a Time Off Request:

    1. Click on the Time Off button on the navigation bar.

    2. Click on the Awaiting Approval tab.

    3. Review the requests in your task list.

    4. Click approve or reject to approve or reject each leave request.

How can I view my remaining leave balance?

  • Click on the 'Time Off' tab on the navigation bar.

  • Your leave balance is displayed in the graph at the top of this page.

Can I change a work pattern or hours in the system?

  • Search for your employee and click their name.

  • Click the settings button on the left panel.

  • Scroll down to Work Patterns.

  • Select the new work pattern from the list of available work patterns.

  • If you need to add a new work pattern, you can click 'Add work pattern.'

  • If you are adding a new work pattern and want to keep the old one with an end date, you need to give the old pattern an end date. This will automatically populate the start date of the new work pattern.

Why is an employee’s leave balance incorrect?

  • Check that they have the correct work pattern assigned to them.

  • Verify their leave entitlement is correct in their summary page in the directory.

  • Check if their start and end dates are accurate as these will affect leave.

  • Confirm if the leave types used are configured correctly (e.g., non-deductible vs. deductible leave).

  • Ensure all requests are fully within the current leave year. Dates outside the current leave year will affect balances.

How do I switch between daily and hourly leave tracking?

  • Click on 'Edit' next to their leave entitlement.

  • Select if the leave is Daily or Hourly and edit their leave for the current year.

  • You cannot have more than one type of leave in the same leave year.

  • If you cannot see the option to change the user to hourly leave, the setting for hourly leave may not be enabled at the user’s office. An admin or manager with settings permission can enable this in the Time Off settings for each office.

How do I configure public holidays for my office location? How do I add Bank Holidays to an office?

  • Click on the settings button on the navigation bar.

  • Click on the Offices section.

  • For each office, there will be a Time Off settings page.

  • Select the relevant country and click the Import Public Holidays button.

  • Review the holidays and modify the list if needed, or add additional holidays if they are specific to your office or company.

Reports and Organizational Management

How do I generate or export reports on employee data?

  • Click on the Reports button on the navigation bar.

  • Select Employee from the reports navigation bar.

  • Select your filters and which report to download.

  • The report will generate and will appear in the notifications hub.

  • Click the notifications hub and download the report.

How do I update the company’s organizational structure or reporting hierarchy?

  • HRLocker has a systems chart that can be modified by changing who reports to each manager. This can be viewed by clicking on the Systems Chart button in the employee section of the Reports module.

  • To modify the structure, you need to assign different managers to different employees.

How can I run a report to see every employee's holiday (leave) balances?

  • Click on the Reports button in the navigation bar.
  • Select Time Off.
  • Apply filters as needed (e.g., office, department, or team).
  • Generate the Annual Leave Summary report, which will include a summary of each employee's holiday balances.

Technical Issues and Support

I have received an error: We seem to have encountered an unexpected problem.

  • We are sorry that you have encountered this error. To investigate this, please provide the following information:

    • What you were attempting to do.

    • Which employee or module did this happen on?

    • What time did you encounter the error?

    • Is it happening just to you, or to others in your company?

    • Is it happening sometimes, or does it happen every time?

    • What internet browser are you using?

    • Is there anything else you think might be useful to speed up our investigation?

I have received an error: Sorry you do not have permission to perform this operation.

  • We are sorry that you have encountered this error. To investigate this, please provide the following information:

    • What you were attempting to do.

    • Which employee or module did this happen on?

    • What time did you encounter the error?

    • Is it happening just to you, or to others in your company?

    • Is it happening sometimes, or does it happen every time?

    • What internet browser are you using?

    • Is there anything else you think might be useful to speed up our investigation?

The site appears to be running very slowly.

  • We are sorry that you have encountered this error. To investigate this, please provide the following information:

    • What you were attempting to do.

    • Which employee or module did this happen on?

    • What time did you encounter the error?

    • Is it happening just to you, or to others in your company?

    • Is it happening sometimes, or does it happen every time?

    • What internet browser are you using?

    • Is there anything else you think might be useful to speed up our investigation?

Security and Integration

How can I enable multi-factor authentication for added security?

  • An admin can request SSO integration for HRLocker by contacting support and we can forward the instructions to configure this on your system and enable it for all users.

How do I integrate the HRIS with other systems (e.g., payroll, time tracking, etc.)?

  • HRLocker does not have an Open API, and integration with other platforms is not straightforward. If you have a specific requirement to integrate with a third-party platform and they are open to working with us, let us know and we will inform you if it is something we can work on.