How Employees can update their Bank and Tax details.

Personal tab, Update bank details, PPS Number, IBAN, BIC, Bank Account, Sort Codes, National Insurance Number

At HR Locker, we prioritize convenience for everyone involved. Here's how new employees can easily upload their bank account details and tax number through their 'Personal' tab

  • Initial Setup for New Hires:

    • When a new employee joins HRLocker, they receive a welcome link to set up their account. Upon clicking the link, they are prompted to change their password from the temporary one provided. Once the password is changed, they are directed to their directory page.
  • Accessing the Personal Tab:

    • To update their bank account details and tax number, employees can access their 'Personal' tab in their Directory page.
    • In the 'Personal' tab, employees find fields to input their bank account details and tax number. They can simply enter the required information in the provided fields.
  • Saving Changes:

    • After entering the updated information, employees must ensure to Submit the new changes. 
  • Notification of Changes:

    • Changes made to the employee's Personal Tab prompt notifications to the email addresses set in the Personal Details notification settings. This is available in the Settings page in Notifications

    • Payroll managers are notified by email of any changes to employee bank details.

    • Automatic email notifications are sent to employees' direct managers, ensuring they are promptly informed about updates to their team members' personal information.

  • Admin and Manager Access:

    • Administrators and managers with directory access can edit employee personal details.