How to create and assign projects

How to Create and Assign Projects in HRLocker

Creating a New Project

  • Navigate to Time On:

    • Log into your HRLocker account and select Time On from the Navigation bar to access project management features.
  • Access the Projects Section:

    • Click on Projects to view all current projects or add new ones.
  • Add a New Project:

    • Click the Add button to start creating a new project.
  • Set Up Project Details:

    • Name: Provide a clear and descriptive name for the project.
    • Description: Add a detailed description that outlines the scope and objectives of the project.
    • Charge Per Hour (optional): If applicable, set a charge per hour for the project. This is useful for billing purposes or for projects that require budget tracking.

Assigning the Project

  • Assign the Project:

    • After creating the project, click Assign to determine who will work on the project.
  • Select Assignment Scope:

    • Choose to assign the project by entire office, department, or to individual employees
The project will appear in the employee's Time On section under their timesheet, allowing them to log time against it.

  • Remove a Project from an employee:

    • To remove an employee from a project, navigate back to the Assign section within the project settings and delete them from the project. This will prevent further time logging against this project on their timesheet.
  • Archive a Project
    • Projects can be archived and subsequently viewed by selecting Archived from the dropdown menu.
    • Archiving a project removes the project from the employees Time On section.
    • Archived projects can still be reported on.
  • Delete a Project
    • Only projects that are no longer assigned to employees can be deleted. If a project is removed it can no longer be reported on.