How To Publish an essential document

Publishing essential documents to HR Docs

To publish documents, you need to be an Admin or a Manager with 'HR Docs' permissions for the relevant offices.

  • Log in to HRLocker
  • Click on HR Docs on the black ribbon
  • Click on the Manage tab on the White Ribbon
  • Add the document, name, and description
  • Choose who you want to publish it to
    • This can be by Office, Department, User Type or Employee
  • Check the “essential document” checkbox
    • Making a document essential will prompt employees to read, sign and confirm that they have read, understood and agree to abide by it.
    • This constitutes an electronic signature on the employee's part
  • Press the Submit button

Once the document you have uploaded is published, all relevant employees, departments, and offices (depending on options sent when uploading) will be emailed about the publication of the document and asked to read and sign it.

Thereafter, if the document has not been signed, the relevant employees who have not signed will be notified every 21 days about not signing the document.