How to record a career break/unpaid leave in annual leave entitlement

unpaid leave, career break, no annual leave accrued,

If an employee takes a career break or unpaid leave for a duration of time, this needs to be reflected in their annual leave entitlement

  • For the duration of time that the employee is on a career break, or unpaid leave, they do not accrue any holidays.
  • To record a duration of unpaid leave in an employees annual leave entitlement, their annual leave entitlement for this length of time needs to be set to 0.
  • To do this you need to add a new row in their Annual Leave Entitlement. 
  • Go to the directory and select the employee.
  • In the summary page you can edit their annual leave.
  • Add a row, recording 0 days holidays for the length of time that they will not be entitled to accrue holidays.
  • Change the last day of the previous row to the day before the unpaid leave is due to start.
  • Change the new rows holiday entitlement to 0
  • Click submit
  • Add a new row
  • Change the previous row to the day before the unpaid leave is due to end
  • Change the holiday entitlement to how many holidays the employee is due for the year.
  • Click Submit
  • In this example, this employee has now not accumulated any holidays for the month of July
  • This is reflected in the Time Off graph. Originally, this employee had 20 days for the year. She has taken July as unpaid leave. She is now due 18.5 days for the year.