How to record Background Check documentation on HRLocker

In order to fulfil legal requirements it may be necessary to show that your employees have the correct documentation that entitles them to work with vulnerable groups or in certain highly regulated roles HRLocker offers you this functionality

All HRLocker packages include the directory feature, where all of your employee's HR information can be stored and quickly accessed as needed. On any HRLocker package, n employee's background check documents can be uploaded by a Manager or Admin by selecting the 'Add documents' option and uploading the files


If you need a more advanced tracker for these documents, we have a "Background Check' section which can be activated for employees who need it.

To enable this, you will need to contact HRLocker support who can activate it for your company. This is available on our HR Professional package and above

Once it is enabled, it then needs to be turned on for each office by accessing the office settings

Click on the settings button on the black ribbon

Click on Offices on the side menu

Click on Edit next to each office you want to update

Tick the box to 'Enable Background Check'

Once this is done, a new option will appear in your office settings dropdown menu. This is where you will create the document types 

Clicking on this option opens up the following screen

At first it will be empty, but clicking 'Add' will allow you to add document types which will be available for employees to upload later. Clicking add or edit opens another screen where you can set the properties for each document

Once you've created the document types for your offices, you can then go into the directory and select an employee, and press the 'Background Check' tab in the sidebar

Here any 'essential' documents will be pre-assigned, but if they need to add a document thats not pre-assigned, the manager or employee can click 'Add Document'

The managers and admins will be able to view and validate the records, set a review date, and send an email directly to the employee if there are any outstanding tasks


When adding a document, it can be either through the Add record button for essential documents or the 'Add Document' button where a document type can be selected