Project Management Full Module Specifications

The end to end specifications for Project Management on HRLocker

When a company has Project Management enabled (project management enabled from the management screen)
Project Management icon visible to to Admins, and to Managers who have Project management Permission granted
Managers will have a setting in the settings tab of their directory

  • Disabled/Read Only/Full access

Disabled (by default)

  • Project management icon does not appear on the black ribbon for these managers
  • These managers will not appear in the project manager dropdown (in the programme section) and will not be able to be selected as a project manager

Read Only

  • Project Management icon appears on the black ribbon
  • This manager can see all of project management but cannot edit.
  • These managers cannot create or edit portfolios/programmes/projects/tasks. Cannot add members
  • These managers will not appear in the project manager dropdown (in the programme section) and will not be able to be selected as a project manager

Full Access

  • Project Management appears on the black ribbon
  • Manager has full access to project management. Can create/edit portfolios/programmes/projects/tasks. Can add members
  • Managers with full access appear in the project manager dropdown in the programme section

Clicking on 'Project Management' tab opens a new screen where the managers/admins can see a list of all existing Portfolios that have been created
This page will be set to ‘Active’ by default
No breadcrumb menu
Portfolios are listed by order of date created

This page will have a table with the following columns

  • Name
  • Name of portfolio
  • Created
  • Date created
  • Created by
  • Name of manager who created the portfolio
  • Status
  • Active/Archived
  • Assigned
  • Yes-shows yes if the programme has been assigned members
  • No-shows if no members have been assigned
  • Notes
  • If notes have been added there is a view icon, when clicked brings popup of note

Hierarchy for Project Management

  • Portfolio (Multiple Programmes can be assigned to a portfolio)
  • Programmes (Multiple Projects can be assigned to a Programme)
  • Projects (Multiple tasks can be assigned to each Project)
  • Tasks

Each name has a meatball menu (...)

When meatball menu clicked opens modal for:


  • Rename Portfolio
  • Archive Portfolio
  • Delete Portfolio
  • Add Programme
  • Name
  • Notes
  • Budget
  • Currency
  • Programme code (generates a unique code)
  • Start date (can be date in the past)
  • End date


  • Rename Programme
  • Archive Programme
  • Delete Programme
  • Add Project
  • Name
  • Budget
  • Start date
  • Start date cannot be before start date for the programme
  • End date
  • End date cannot be after the end date of the programme
  • Estimated Total Hours
  • Notes


  • Rename Project
  • Archive Project
  • Delete Project
  • Add Task
  • Name
  • Budget
  • Currency
  • Start date
  • Start date cannot be before start date for the project
  • End date
  • End date cannot be after the end date of the project
  • Notes


  • Rename Task
  • Cancel Task
  • Delete Task

When a portfolio is archived

Status is changed to archived
Option to reactivate archived to active in the meatball menu
If the portfolio is archived, all programmes, projects and tasks assigned change to archive status
Archived projects and tasks do not appear on employees timesheet
Clicking the name brings you to new page, menu of programmes assigned to portfolio
Option of reactivating or deleting programme

When a programme is archived

Status changes to archived
Option to reactivate archived to active in the meatball menu
If the programme is archived, all projects and tasks assigned change to archive status
Archived projects and tasks do not appear on employees timesheet
Clicking the name opens to programme page

When a project is archived

Status changes to archived
Option to reactivate archived to active in the meatball menu
If the project is archived, all tasks assigned change to archive status
Archived projects and tasks do not appear on employees timesheet
Clicking the name opens to new page, menu of tasks assigned to project
Option of deleting task


Click name of portfolio

  • Opens menu of programmes assigned
  • Click programme name
  • Opens Programme page

Click name of programme

  • Opens programme page

Click name of project

  • Opens project page with menu of tasks assigned

Click task name

  • Opens Task page


This is an information window with a number of dimensions that can be edited by managers with Full Access or a HRLocker Admin

There is a breadcrumb menu- Portfolios/Portfolio (name of portfolio programme is assigned to)/Programme (Programme name in view)

Name of programme

The Programme page will have a graphs at the top of the page that track the following elements

  • Days Remaining
    this is the number of working Days between the current date and the end date of the programme (zero if end date is not entered)
    If the current date is past the end date, then the graph is negative
    Now shows from 0 to negative days-the amount of days past the due date in negative
    Graph now displays in red
    the working days are decided by the number of working days in the Company Default Work pattern
  • Hours recorded
    This is the number of hours recorded by all of the employees in all of the Projects that they have recorded time against that are linked to this programme
  • Budget
    This is the figure entered in Programme Information screen for the Programme Budget
  • Cost
    Multiply the cost per hour by the number of hours recorded per employee assigned to this programme
  • Tasks Complete
    The total number of tasks assigned to all projects linked to this programme that are marked as complete
  • Tasks Remaining
    The total number of tasks assigned to all projects linked to this programme that are not marked as complete


  • Burndown Chart

The burndown chart will show a graph starting at the Programme start date and ending at the project End Date
There will be two lines on the graph, the first is the ideal work remaining. This is a straight diagonal line that starts at the top of the X axis and ends at the end of the Y axis
The second is a record of the number of tasks that are associated with the project and the dates that they are marked as complete. For every task that is completed the line goes down on the completion date shown on the graph.
If the project is still ongoing after the end date, then the graph needs to extend to show any tasks that are completed after the completion date. The completion date should be marked on the chart so it is clear that tasks completed after this date are overdue.

The information panel is populated with the information that was entered when creating the programme

  • Name
    Name of the Programme (NVARCHAR 50) Can Not be Null
    Can be edited

  • Programme Code
    There will be a unique code generated
    There is a refresh button next to it which allows the manager to generate a new random code
    The user can type in their own code
    Can be edited

  • Start Date
    (DateTime) Can be null
    Can be editied

  • End Date
    (DateTime) Can be null
    Can be editied

  • Manage Programme Roles
    Manage Programme Roles button
    Create a Role
    Created roles are in dropdown list in employee edit
    Deleting a role
    if the role has not been assigned to a member, then delete
    If a role has been assigned to a member

  • Portfolio
    List of existing portfolios
    Changing the portfolio reassigns this programme to the selected portfolio
    Add button next to this (+)
    Simple form that allows the manager to create a new portfolio-Name only
    Programme now assigned to new portfolio created
    New portfolio created appears in the portfolio main menu

  • Project Manager
    Select from a list of Manager and Admin user types on HRLocker
    A manager is creating this programme, they are the default Project Manager
    Can be edited

  • Budget
    (Integer) can be null
    Budget is reflected in the Budget graph

  • Currency
    this is the same list of currencies that is in the Comps and Bens section of HRLocker
    defaults to euro

  • Notes
    Add/edit a note

  • Add Fields
    The user can add any number of custom fields to this form. The custom fields can be created by clicking an 'Add Fields' button.
    This will open a form that allows the user to give the field a label and also define the display order, and the field type
    Dropdown of Text, Date, List
    Created fields can be edited and deleted


If a programme is assigned to a different portfolio, then all info from this programme is associated to the change portfolio.

- Programme Members

The programme can be assigned Programme Members
Members can be assigned by office, department and employee
Selected members are added by clicking Add Members
The dropdowns filter
Multiple offices, departments and employees can be selected
Once added, the members are displayed in a table

  • Name
    Name of the employee (not editable)
  • Office
    Office employee is assigned to (not editable)
  • Department
    Department employee is assigned to (not editable)
  • Cost Code (NVARCHAR 20)
    Added by clicking edit icon
  • Cost
    Float, can be null
  • Role
    Added by clicking the edit icon
    Select from the list of roles created for this programme
  • Hours
    Total of all the hours recorded for all the projects this employee is assigned to
  • Notes
    We can add notes to this employee when editing them
  • Actions
    An icon to edit this employee
  • Clicking edit
    Name (not editable)
    Cost Code-can add cost code
    Cost (per hour)-add cost per hour
    Notes-add a note
    Role-dropdown list of roles created
    A delete icon to remove this employee from the programme
    If an employee is removed from his programme
    If no then employee remains with no change
    If yes-then employee is removed from this programme and all projects and tasks that they have been assigned to and logged hours to.
    The project and tasks assigned to this programme no longer appear in this employees timesheet

If an employee is set to terminated (has an end date that is past the current date), all hours/costs that are logged against this programme will still show. This employee will still show in the Programme members

Projects Assigned to this Programme

Projects created appear in the assigned employees Time On screen

These projects should only appear on the Time On screen the week of the projects start date.

If the project is marked as complete or cancelled, then the project does not appear on the timesheet the week after the project is complete/cancelled

A menu with information of all projects added to this programme

  • Name
    Name of project, coloured in green
    When clicked opens menu with all tasks assigned to this project
  • Start Date
    Start date of the project
  • Est. Work (hrs)
    Estimated total hours to complete this project
  • Budget
  • Status
    Either complete, ongoing or cancelled
  • Hours Recorded
    This is the total of all the hours completed between the start date and end date for employees who are members of this project and have recorded time for tasks assigned to them
    Float to 2 decimals
  • Notes
    Notes can be added (Nvarchar 500)
  • Actions
  • Edit icon
    Edit name of project
    Edit budget (integer)
    Start Date
    Edit start date-start date cannot be before the programme start date
    End Date
    Edit end date-end date cannot be after the end date of the programme end date
    Estimated Total Hours
    Edit estimated hours
    Edit note (Nvarchar 500)
    Delete icon

If yes, then this project and all information and tasks assigned, including logged hours get deleted. This project and any tasks that had been assigned to this project is no longer visible in the time on section of any employee
If no, then no action is taken


If you click the name of the Project, it opens a new screen with a list of tasks assigned to this project

Breadcrumb navigation-portfolios/portfolio /programme/project

  • Side information panel

  • Name of project

  • Budget

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Estimated Total Hours

  • Notes

  • Status
    Ongoing (by default)
    Complete (removes project from time on section)
    Cancelled (removes project from time on section)

Add Task

  • Name
    Name of the task (NVARCHAR 50) Cannot be Null
  • Budget
    Integer (can be null)
  • Currency
    The same list as Comps and Bens
    Defaults to Euro
  • Start Date
    (DateTime) can be null
  • End Date
    (DateTime) can be null
  • Notes
    Add note
    Cancel brings you out of the create task menu and does not store any information entered

Save- this task creates an entry in this menu


  • Name
    Name of task, in green
    When clicked opens task page
  • Notes
    Notes for this task
  • Hours Recorded
    Total hours of hours recorded by all employees assigned to this task
    (time sheet does not have to be submitted or approved for these hours to show)
  • Start Date
    Start date of task
    Cannot be before the start date of the project
  • End Date
    End date of task
    Cannot be after the end date of the project
  • Actions
    Delete icon
    If yes, then this task and all information, including logged hours get deleted. This task is no longer visible on the time on section of any employee associated with the task this project was assigned to


Breadcrumb menu-Portfolios/portfolio/programme/project/task

There will be graphs at the top of the page

  • Days Remaining
    this is the number of working Days between the current date and the end date of the task (zero if end date is not entered)
    If the current date is past the end date, then the graph is negative
    Now shows from 0 to negative days-the amount of days past the due date in negative
    Graph now displays in red
    the working days are decided by the number of working days in the Company Default Work pattern
  • Hours Recorded
    This is the total of all the hours entered on the timesheet on this task by employees who are assigned to this task and have recorded time under this task
  • Task Budget
    This is the budget for this task as defined by the manager in the task information
  • Cost
    This is the sum of:
    the number of hours logged by an employee assigned to this task, multiplied by the cost assigned to that employee
    Hours logged are hours entered in the timesheet for this task for an employee

There is a 'Task Information' Panel

This is an information window with a number of dimensions that can be edited by the Project Manager or a HRLocker Admin

  • Name
    Name of the task (NVARCHAR 50) Cannot be Null
  • Start Date
    (DateTime) Can be null
  • End Date
    (DateTime) Can be null
  • Budget
    (Integer) can be null
  • Currency
    the same list that is in the Comps and Bens section of HRLocker
    defaults to euro
  • Radio buttons to mark the task as Ongoing, Complete or Cancelled
    Defaults to ongoing
    Task is ongoing
    Days remaining graph shows how many days remaining
    Task is complete
    Days remaining graph shows 0
    Task is cancelled
    Cancelled task no longer appears on the assigned employees Time On section
    Days remaining graph shows 0
    This reflects in the timesheet (explanation to follow)
  • Add Fields
    The user can add any number of custom fields to this form. The custom fields can be created by clicking an 'Add Fields' button.
    This will open a form that allows the user to give the field a label and the field type
    Dropdown of Text, Date, List
    Created fields can be edited and deleted
  • Save

Task Members

There is Task Members table

The employee dropdown is populated with the members of the programme the project and the task is assigned to
Multiple employees/departments/offices can be selected
Employees not assigned to the programme cannot be assigned to a task and do not appear in the employee dropdown
If an employee has been removed from the programme, that employee is removed from the task members dropdown.
If an employee is terminated but has hours recorded against a task, then the hours and charge remain, the employee remains in the menu
A terminated employee does not appear in the employee dropdown
If an employee moves office/department then they are still assigned to the programme/task

Task Members Menu

  • Name
    Name of the employee (not editable)

  • Office
    Office employee is assigned to (not editable)

  • Department
    Department employee is assigned to (not editable)

  • Cost Code (NVARCHAR 20)
    Added by clicking edit icon

  • Cost
    Float, can be null

  • Effort (hrs)
    Estimated hours for the task
    Added by clicking edit icon
    (this links to the task progress bar in the employees Time On section, explanation to follow)

  • Hours
    Total of the hours entered in this task in the employees Time On section

  • Actions

  • Edit icon

  • Name
    Name of employee
    Not editable

  • Cost Code
    Enter cost code
    Charge (per hour)
    To 2 decimal places

  • Notes

  • Est. effort (hrs)
    Estimated hours for this employee to complete this task
    (Links to timesheet, explanation to follow)

  • Delete icon
    Are you sure? This will delete all associated logged hours. No Yes
    If no then employee remains with no change
    If yes-then employee is removed from this task and all hours that they have logged to this task.
    The task no longer appears in this employees time on section

Time On Section

  • Employee sees their own My Time On section

  • Admin and manager with time on permissions can see and edit employees time on section and can see and edit the project and tasks assigned to them.

  • Projects can be assigned to an employee from the Projects section

  • Projects assigned from the projects section will have a stopwatch and no progress bar

  • There are no changes to the timesheet displayed.

  • Under the timesheet is the project section.

If Project Management is not enabled, there is no change to this section.

If Project Management is enabled:

  • If no projects are assigned to an employee, then the menu headings remain but no projects are displayed

  • The projects section of the My Time On section

  • Defaults to the current week

  • The projects and the timesheet have the same date range and display the same week

Projects and Tasks

Tasks are assigned to Projects. Projects assigned to Programmes.

  • If an employee is assigned to a task, this task appears on the projects section of their timesheet the week of the tasks start date and continue to appear here until the project that the task is assigned to is marked as complete or cancelled
  • If a task is cancelled then it no longer appears in this section
  • Only tasks that the employee is a member of appear
  • If an employee is a member of a programme, but not a member of the task, then this task is not assigned to them and does not appear
  • The project the task is assigned to only appears the week of the employees task start date


  • Name of project
    (name of project created in the Project Management section)
    Can minimise tasks
  • Due date
    (due date of project, can be edited in the project management section and edited due date is then shown)
    Project due date
    Daily totals of hours logged for tasks assigned to this project and this employee
  • Total Hours
    Weekly total of hours logged for tasks assigned to this project and this employee
  • Progress
    Progress bar
    This is shown in red and 0% until a task is marked as complete
    When an employee marks a task as complete then this progress bar reflects the percentage of completed tasks of this project for this employee
    If 2 tasks are assigned to this employee and 1 is marked as complete, then progress bar is green and shows 50%


The following columns

  • Tick box to mark all tasks under this project as complete
    All tasks under this project get struck through (task name to due date)
    Project progress shows as 100%
    Tasks that are marked as complete are now complete in the project management section

  • Tasks-can toggle the order

  • Task info

  • Due date-can toggle order
    Total Hours

  • Progress-can toggle progress order

  • Row for each task assigned

  • Tick box to mark individual task as complete.
    Task marked as complete is now marked as complete in the project management section

  • Name of task

  • Task info icon
    Task Details:
    Notes for task
    Assigned by
    Start Date
    Due Date
    Hours assigned
    effort (hrs) assigned in Task Members of Project Management
    Due date of task dd/mm/yyyy

  • Enter hours in format HH:MM
    When entering hours small popup: The correct format is HH:MM. for example 12:15

  • Notes icon
    Employee/manager can add notes
    Admin/manager with time on access can add notes
    If note added icon is orange. Clicking icon will show the note. The note can be edited

  • Total
    Weekly total of hours entered for this task by this employee

  • Progress bar
    If estimated hours have not been assigned, progress bar is red with 0% and does not move if hours have been added
    If estimated hours have been added, progress bar turns green when hours have been entered.
    Bar shows the percentage of hours that have been entered
    Bar shows the progress for all hours entered for the task. Progress bar for the task is the same percentage whether looking at previous or future weeks
    If more hours are entered than estimated hours, then progress bar shows a % over 100

Logs do not show logs for project/task hours