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  2. Manager Permissions Explained

Reports Explained

Overview of 'Reports' Permissions for Managers

Reports Permissions Overview

The Reports permission in HRLocker enables managers to access and generate reports for their team members or employees within selected offices. 

Permission Settings:

  1. Off: Reports functionality is disabled for the manager.

  2. On for Subordinates and Selected Employees Only:

      • Managers can access Reports for their direct reports and selected employees.

  3. On for Selected Offices and Selected Employees Only:

    • Managers can access Reports for employees assigned to selected offices and chosen employees.


  1. Access to Reports Screen:

    • Managers with Reports permission enabled can access the reports screen within HRLocker.
  2. Data Restriction:

    • When running reports, only personal data of employees who are subordinates or assigned to selected offices is included.
    • Higher-level reports such as headcount reports are not restricted, but reports containing sensitive personal data are limited to managers with access to that data.
  3. Directory Reports:

    • Managers' access to directory reports may be restricted based on their permission settings.

Reporting Options:

  • There are a range of Visual Reports available
  • Additionally, reports can be downloaded in spreadsheet format for further analysis offline.