Time Off Leave Graphs

Understanding Time Off Graphs in HRLocker

In HRLocker, there are two types of time off graphs designed to provide a comprehensive overview of leave balances and usage. These graphs help both employees and managers track annual leave and other types of leave efficiently.

1. Annual Leave Graph

The Annual Leave Graph provides a summary of the current leave year and options to view previous leave years. This graph helps employees and managers visualize various components of leave:

  • Annual Leave: Displays the total hours or days the employee is entitled to for the current leave year.
  • Carried Over: Shows the amount of leave that was carried over from the previous year.
  • Manual Adjustment: Indicates the total of manual adjustments made to the leave balance for the year.
  • Taken to Date: Reflects how many deductible leave days or hours have been taken so far.
  • Booked Ahead: Outlines how many deductible leave days or hours have been booked for future dates.
  • Balance: Represents the remaining days or hours the employee has left to take.
  • Time Off in Lieu (TOIL): Always displays the employee’s current TOIL balance.

This graph is particularly useful for tracking leave balances over the course of the leave year and helps ensure that employees are aware of their remaining entitlements.

2. All Leave Types Graph

This graph offers a breakdown of the different types of leave that have been approved within a selected timeframe. It provides insights into the composition of leave taken, including:

  • Filter Options: Users can control the graph with filters to select a combination of individual leave types, view leave from previous years, or leave taken within the last 3/6 months, etc.
  • Sick Leave Logs: To specifically view sick leave, click on the "Sick Leave Logs". This segment of the graph shows the different types of sick leave that have been approved.

The versatility of this graph makes it a valuable tool for managing leave types beyond annual leave, such as sick leave, parental leave, and others, giving a clear picture of leave trends and usage.

Using the Graphs

To effectively use these graphs:

  • Navigate to the Time Off & Roster Request log: This section by default shows the current leave year's data but can be adjusted using the filters.
  • Customize Viewing Options: Use the filters to customize the data displayed according to specific needs or inquiries.
  • Plan Ahead: Utilize the graphs for planning future leaves and ensuring compliance with leave policies.

These graphs are an integral part of leave management in HRLocker, helping to maintain transparency and facilitate better planning and decision-making regarding employee time off. For more detailed guidance on utilizing these features or for any troubleshooting, please refer to the HRLocker help centre or contact their support team directly